Covid-19 Impact
As part of the collective efforts to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to protect the health and safety of our staff and clients, Enginuity Consulting team has been working from home during the beginning stages of the pandemic. We managed to embrace the new environment, while our focus continued to be on the projects and deliverables. We are proud of our team to have been available via email and phones and happily progressing projects with minimal interruptions to on-going needs.
As we adapted to the pandemic situation, and created safety protocols, we have decided to move, in stages, back in the office. We are now excited to be back in full capacity and to continue the hard work. Our focus is to keep everyone comfortable, healthy and safe. We are extremely careful to not spread the virus and maintain a heathy distance as well practice the recommendations from the British Columbia Health Authorities.
We thank everyone for your understanding, collaboration and support in keeping a healthy and safe environment.